All are welcome!

Isn’t it time for UNITY in a divided world?

Unfortunately, far too many churches are no longer in existence to serve their congregations. For many individuals, the church has become a place of condemnation, fear, hypocrisy, and intolerance. It is more preoccupied with sin than with love, with money rather than with faith, and with expanding members rather than with growing souls. Our community provides a home that does not pass judgment on others or operate as kingdom gates. We accept you as you are and where you are on your path. Please join us as we spiritually grow together via Jesus’ teachings. It’s time to be who he’s called us to be and do what he’s asked us to do.

We are an Anglo-Catholic denomination that is accepting and inclusive of all persons, with the overarching theme of God’s unconditional love for all humans as our guiding philosophy. We are here to provide a spiritual home that welcomes everyone, loves everyone, and motivates everyone to grow spiritually in their faith and service to others. Because we are all God’s children, we believe in the ideals of peace, love, and unconditional acceptance of others! Our objective is to spiritually improve ourselves so that we can love God and others as ourselves and achieve spiritual ascension. We urge you to read our Creed of the Charismata and our beliefs page to learn more about the Episcopal Catholic Church. 

Creed of the Charismata

I feel I am a spirit who is having a human experience.

I believe that I was formed out of love and that the Fruits of the Spirit were bestowed upon me for the utmost welfare of myself and others.

I feel I am on par with every other human being.

I think that all of creation is a blessing for me to enjoy, and that God has asked me to be the best steward of the Earth. I believe in Jesus’ highest mandate to love God and one another as ourselves.

I do my hardest to live a compassionate and loving life for others.

I believe in original blessing rather than original sin, and that what is most important is how much I love rather than how much I sin.

I like the sacraments and understand that they are a source of grace.

I appreciate all faiths because they serve as a conduit to heavenly reality.

I believe in a faith community that welcomes all individuals.

I feel that spiritual awareness will allow me to achieve my own ascension.


Siento que soy un espíritu que está teniendo una experiencia humana.

Creo que fui formado por amor y que los Frutos del Espíritu me fueron otorgados para mi mayor bienestar y el de los demás.

Siento que estoy a la par con cualquier otro ser humano.

Creo que toda la creación es una bendición para mí y que Dios me ha pedido que sea el mejor administrador de la Tierra. Creo en el mandato supremo de Jesús de amar a Dios ya los demás como a nosotros mismos.

Hago todo lo posible para vivir una vida compasiva y amorosa por los demás.

Creo en la bendición original más que en el pecado original, y que lo más importante es cuánto amo más que cuánto peco.

Me gustan los sacramentos y entiendo que son fuente de gracia.

Aprecio todas las religiones porque sirven como conducto hacia la realidad celestial.

Creo en una comunidad de fe que acoge a todos los individuos.

Siento que la conciencia espiritual me permitirá lograr mi propia ascensión.